Attorneys that speak your language and help you stay in Singapore legally.
Employment Pass
The Employment Pass is an upgraded version of the Work Visa. You can apply for for this visa if you are a manager or exective of a Singapore based company or the company can apply on your behalf.
The S Pass is a type of Work Visa designed for mid-level skilled workers employed by companies already operating in Singapore. Applicants who meet a salary threshold of $4,300 USD a month have the ability to apply for a Long-Term Visit Pass for their immediate family.
Work Permit
A visa for the semi-skilled or unskilled foreign worker in in the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process or services sector. Applicants must be from approved origin countries. Click here to request more details. Click here to request more details.
Entrepreneur Pass
A visa for the semi-skilled or unskilled foreign worker in in the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process or services sector. Applicants must be from approved origin countries. Click here request more information!.
Long Term Visit Pass
The Long Term Visit Pass grants holders up to 2 year’s stay in Singapore, depending on the type of application. However, LTVP holders are not allowed to work unless they possess an additional work permit, S Pass or Singapore work visa, also listed on this page. See what you qualify for.
Work Holiday Pass
The Work Holiday Programme in Singapore, run by the Ministry of Manpower, allows for university students between the age of 18 & 25 to visit and work in Singapore for 6 months. Applicants must originate from one of the following countries: Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom or the United States. See if you qualify!
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